If you believe you have a sexual problem that could be the result of a spinal abnormality, there is a specific protocol to provide us with the information we need to help you.
No MRIs for a genito-pelvic dysesthesia will be read unless you have had a courtesy call with Dr. Goldstein. Contact San Diego Sexual Medicine to schedule the call.
Step 1: Courtesy Call
Call San Diego Sexual Medicine 619-265-8865 to schedule a free courtesy call (if you are not yet a patient).
Step 2: MRI Prescription
Take the MRI instruction form and ask your local clinician to write you a prescription (current SDSM patients may request a prescription from Dr. Goldstein)
Step 3: Request MRI
Request a CD of your MRI as well as the report
Step 4: Upload MRI & Send Email
Upload your MRI to Purview and when done, send an email to spine.sexmed@gmail.com that your MRI has been uploaded and attach your scanned MRI report if you have one
Step 5: Wait for Results
Your MRI will be examined at an upcoming Spine-Sex Med meeting and you will be notified by Dr. Goldstein that results are available
Step 6: Begin the Healing Process
If you choose to become a patient at San Diego Sexual Medicine, Dr. Goldstein will discuss the results of your MRI during your visit (or a phone call if you are an established patient). If appropriate you will undergo neurogenital testing as part of your examination and if your neurogenital testing supports the abnormality noted on MRI, you may have an appointment with Dr. Kim to discuss potential management options. Dr. Kim sees patients on Mondays and Thursdays.